so Rachel over as p.s. i quilt wanted to know what happened on Christmas Eve.
our Christmas Eve turned out sort of like something out of the movie Christmas Vacation. my brother & his family were in town from Boise so we were all hanging out at my parents house that morning when my brother realized that the refrigerator was spraying water out of the back of it all over the wall. my dad jumped up & they got the refrigerator moved & the water shut off only to discover that it had been leaking for sometime & the whole bottom was rusted out. needless to say an unplanned trip to the appliance store took place that morning.

once my parents were back we learned that the cabinets were going to have to be modified in order to get the new refrigerator in. not something you want to be doing on Christmas Eve when we had so much work to get done in the kitchen. so we went about unloading & moving the old fridge which we found lots of treasures behind like a ball that my brother had written on "Mike Is Rad" about 16 years ago. i guess my parents never moved their fridge in 16 yrs. then my brother & dad began the demo process of the cabinets above the fridge which entailed moving things from the cabinets next to them. nothing is ever simple with things like this for my family. the delivery men showed up & had the new one running in no time.
we re-focused on our kitchen tasks that needed to be done for that evenings meal & got busy. there was only a handful of us at my parents house for dinner since my brother, sil & niece were having dinner at her dad's house. now this is where the story gets good.
my sil's dad doesn't cook nor does his wife, however he thought it would be nice to have Christmas Eve dinner at his place so he got a prepared meal from a local grocery store. all he had to do was re-heat & eat. the 1st issue was that he didn't have a pan big enough for the turkey so he ended up going & buying one. the 2nd issue was that he had no idea how to use his oven. seriously, they have been in their house for 3 yrs or so & have never used it at all. the 3rd issue was that they had to skip church because he had no idea how he was going to get all the food re-heated & get to church. the funniest comment from that dinner had to be my sil's step mom saying 'if we stay in this house after i retire then we are getting a new stove'. my sil's comment back to her was 'why? you don't use the one you got." needless to say that went over like a lead balloon.
when my brother & his family got back to my parents house my brother asked for the Zantac & went to his 'office'. all that my sil would say was 'it was fine.'
my mother puts on the spread at her house for Christmas & Christmas Eve & still gets to church so we all got a chuckle from this.
my guess is that Santa was laughing so hard from our calamity of a day that he dropped a few packages & if i would have to guess that the packages contained Parisville fabric because that is what i wanted for Christmas & didn't get any.
on a side note: i did get a voicemail today from a gal in Iowa saying she has a package of mine that was delivered to her by mistake. maybe that is my package of Parisville fabric. i will be calling her tomorrow to find out the details. i live in Washington state so that is probably where Santa dropped my package at.........
ho! ho! ho!
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